Webmaster tools
We provide a variety of free online tools that can be useful in your SEO research, HTML code processing, optimizing web pages, and analyzing competitors.
Website Tools
Website Information Tool
Check website rankings, WHOIS, technologies, and more.
Keyword Density Analyzer
Analyze a page's text and keywords.
PageRank Checker
Check PageRank for up to 100 domains at once.
Redirect Checker
View all URLs in a redirect chain.
HTML Analyzer
Analyze the HTML statistics of a web page.
IP Address Tools
IP Address & Browser Checker
Check your IP and data passed by your browser.
IP Address Lookup
Look up the details of an IP address.
IP Address Converter
Convert an IP address from/to different formats.
IP Subnet Calculator
Calculate the network range, subnet mask, etc.
HTML Tools
HTML Obfuscator
Protect your HTML code by encoding it.
HTML to Text
Convert HTML code to plain text.
HTML Escape / Unescape
Replace special characters with entities and vice versa.
Can't find the tool you need? Write to us and share your ideas.
More useful webmaster tools are coming soon, so please check this page later without hesitation!