Ibabsonline.eu Website Information
Ibabsonline.eu is more than 8 years old. It has a medium PageRank of 4.1, which means that the website has a pretty good amount of backlinks.
The website is built with Microsoft ASP.NET framework and C#.
The server is hosted by Microsoft Corporation, located in the United States and associated with the IP address
The domain is registered with TransIP Group B.V.
Website overview
Hosted by | Microsoft Corporation |
Server location | United States |
Registered with | TransIP Group B.V. |
First archive date The first date when the Web Archive recorded a copy of the site. | 1 August 2015 (8 years and 3 months ago) |
Category | Business |
Safety | Safe 8/8 |
Backend frameworks Backend frameworks are software libraries of tools and modules that help developers to build the server side of a web application. | Microsoft ASP.NET |
Cloud services | Microsoft Azure |
Platforms | .NET |
Programming languages | C# |
Open PageRank
Open PageRank is a free Google PageRank replacement based on the Open Source data consisting of about 3 billion web pages.
It's a good measurement of a website's backlink strength.
Data source: DomCop.
Data updated: 17 March 2023.
It's a good measurement of a website's backlink strength.
Data source: DomCop.
Data updated: 17 March 2023.
4.09 (+0.36 since 25 September 2022)
Majestic rank
Majestic rank is a website position in a Majestic Million, a list of domains, ordered by the number of referring subnets. Lower is better.
Data source: Majestic.
Data updated: 1 October 2023.
Data source: Majestic.
Data updated: 1 October 2023.
609,587 (+33,717 since 1 September 2023)
Rank among .eu
Rank among TLD is a website position in a list of domains in the same top-level domain zone, ordered by the number of referring subnets.
Data source: Majestic.
Data updated: 1 October 2023.
Data source: Majestic.
Data updated: 1 October 2023.
2,508 (+100 since 1 September 2023)
Alexa rank
Alexa traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of users and is a combined measure of page views and users (reach).
Data source: Alexa.
Data updated: 21 December 2022.
- Subdomains are not measured.
- The rank value is a position in the rating, so the lower value the better.
Data source: Alexa.
Data updated: 21 December 2022.
4,197,158 (+3,658,475 since 1 November 2022)
Linking information
Referring C subnets
The number of unique C-subnets with at least one website hosted that contains a link to the domain. Google will give significantly more link power if your inbound links are on different C-class IP addresses.
Data source: Majestic.
Data updated: 1 October 2023.
Data source: Majestic.
Data updated: 1 October 2023.
362 (-20 since 1 September 2023)
Referring IPs
The number of unique IP addresses with at least one website hosted that contains a link to the domain.
Data source: Majestic.
Data updated: 1 October 2023.
Data source: Majestic.
Data updated: 1 October 2023.
441 (-7 since 1 September 2023)
Estimated traffic
Website traffic estimates, calculated using our own algorithms. May be very inaccurate.
Daily visitors | 303 |
Monthly visitors | 9.4K |
Daily pageviews | 736 |
Monthly pageviews | 22.8K |
Safe 8/8
Google Safe Browsing
Google Safe Browsing is a blacklist service provided by Google that provides lists of URLs for web resources that contain malware or phishing content and allows one to check given URLs.
McAfee WebAdvisor
McAfee WebAdvisor (formerly - McAfee SiteAdvisor) is a service that reports on the safety of websites.
CleanBrowsing Family Filter
CleanBrowsing Family Filter. Blocks access to all adult, pornographic, explicit, malicious, and phishing sites. It also blocks proxy and VPN domains that are used to bypass the filters. Mixed content sites (like Reddit) are also blocked.
Neustar Family Secure
Neustar Family Secure. Protects against malicious domains and Gambling, Pornography, Violence, Hate/Discrimination websites.
OpenDNS FamilyShield
OpenDNS FamilyShield is a special service, meant for home users who want to block inappropriate websites. Blocks domains that are categorized as: Tasteless, Proxy/Anonymizer, Sexuality, and Pornography.
AdGuard Family
AdGuard Family blocks access to ads, counters, malicious websites, and adult content.
SafeDNS blocks porn, abusive, violent, and any inappropriate content from the 61 pre-made categories.
Yandex.DNS Family
Yandex.DNS Family protects from dangerous sites and adult content.
Top ranking keywords
Top ranking keywords on Google for this domain.
Competitors in organic search. Domains competing with the current domain in the search results for the same keywords.
Whois lookup for ibabsonline.eu
Domain | ibabsonline.eu |
Name Servers | oaklyn.ns.cloudflare.com, maciej.ns.cloudflare.com |
Registrar | TransIP Group BV |
Registrant | NOT DISCLOSED!, Visit www.eurid.eu for webbased WHOIS. |
IP addresses
Hostname | IP address | Reverse DNS Hostname | Location |
ibabsonline.eu | | N/A | United States |
IP whois lookup
IP address | |
Network range | - |
Network prefix The network prefix in CIDR notation. |,, |
Network name | MSFT |
Organization | Microsoft Corporation |
Address | One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington, 98052, United States |
Registered | 26 March 2015 (8 years and 7 months ago) |
Updated | 14 December 2021 (1 year and 10 months ago) |
Comment | To report suspected security issues specific to traffic emanating from Microsoft online services, including the distribution of malicious content or other illicit or illegal material through a Microsoft online service, please submit reports to: * https://cert.microsoft.com. For SPAM and other abuse issues, such as Microsoft Accounts, please contact: * abuse@microsoft.com. To report security vulnerabilities in Microsoft products and services, please contact: * secure@microsoft.com. For legal and law enforcement-related requests, please contact: * msndcc@microsoft.com For routing, peering or DNS issues, please contact: * IOC@microsoft.com |
Technical contact | Microsoft Routing, Peering, and DNS, +1-425-882-8080, |
Technical contact | Singh, Prachi, +1-425-707-5601, |
Abuse contact | Microsoft Abuse Contact, +1-425-882-8080, |
Technical contact | Bedard, Dawn, +1-425-538-6637, |
Technical contact | IPHostmaster, IPHostmaster, +1-425-538-6637, |
Websites on this IP (566)
- ibabsonline.eu
- gopickme.com
- trending1st.com
- comedy1st.com
- diligent.community
- loansbyjill.com
- www.timeform.com
- ramboll.com
- openai.com
- crlaurence.com
- thesilverlining.com
- portal.azure.com
- epiqglobal.com
- societyportal.fca.org.uk
- www.onenote.com
- vetcancergroup.com
- westmarine.com
- everseen.com
- collectorsystems.com
- wreathsacrossamerica.org
- ...
Server response data
Request URL | http://ibabsonline.eu (HTTP/1.1, port 80) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Response code | 302 (Found) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
⤹ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Request URL (2) | http://ibabsonline.eu/Kalender.aspx?site= | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Response code | 200 (OK) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Additional resources
- Analyze keyword density
- Analyze HTML
- Indexed pages on Google
- View the cached page from Google
- Links to this page
- Images from this site
- PageSpeed Insights
- Rich Results test
- Mobile-friendly test
- Google Trends
- View SEMrush domain analytics
- History of this page from Wayback Machine
- Copyscape Plagiarism Checker
- W3C's Unified Validator
- Validate HTML
- Validate CSS
- Validate feed
- W3C Internationalization Checker
- Facebook Sharing Debugger
- Check for DNS errors
Wmtips.com is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with ibabsonline.eu. The data is collected from publicly available information and third-party services. All trademarks, product names and logos are the property of their respective owners.
Data updated: 28 June 2023.