Website Information is more than 26 years old. It is the 📉7,932nd most visited website in the world and the 2,248th most visited website in the United States. It has a high PageRank of 6.5, which means that the website has a large amount of backlinks.
The website is built with Microsoft ASP framework, Bootstrap, and jQuery.
The content is served by the Akamai CDN server that is located in the United States and associated with the IP address
Website overview
SSL certificate owner | U.S. Department of Labor Washington, District of Columbia, United States |
Hosted by | Akamai Technologies Inc. |
Server location | United States |
First archive date The first date when the Web Archive recorded a copy of the site. | 5 January 1997 (26 years and 9 months ago) |
Top visitor country | United States |
Category | Government/Military |
Safety | Safe 10/10 |
Page information
Title | U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics |
Description | The Bureau of Labor Statistics is the principal fact-finding agency for the Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics. |
Top keywords | employment, labor, historical data, statistics, bureau of labor, bureau, COMMISSIONER'S, monthly, sections, REVIEW |
Word cloud The most used words on the page presented in the form of word cloud, where the most important words are bigger than the others. | |
Language The language that is specified in the document. | English |
Size The size of the uncompressed web page. | 72.7 KB (74,451 bytes) |
Text to code ratio The Text to code ratio refers to the amount of plain text on a web page compared to the amount of HTML code on that page. You can preview the plain text in Keyword Density Analyzer. | 26.04% |
Backend frameworks Backend frameworks are software libraries of tools and modules that help developers to build the server side of a web application. | Microsoft ASP |
UI frameworks UI frameworks are libraries of typical code, design and components that help web developers create user interfaces. | Bootstrap |
Apps | Progressive Web App |
Browser APIs | XMLHttpRequest |
CDN A CDN, a content delivery network, or content distribution network, is a network of geographically distributed servers that speed up the delivery of web content. More information: Content delivery network | Akamai |
Compression | Gzip |
JavaScript libraries | Popper jQuery |
Operating systems | Windows |
Programming languages | JavaScript |
Semantic markup Semantic markup is code that describes elements on a webpage or provides additional information that helps search engines to better understand context. More information: Semantic HTML, Semantic Web | ARIA Open Graph |
Social media | Twitter (1) |
Standard pages | 📝 Blog 👔 Careers 💬 Contact 👨‍💻 Developers 📖 Help 💰 Investors Site map |
Standards and protocols | CSP HSTS HTML 5 HTTP 2 TLS 1.2, 1.3 |
Syndication | RSS |
Video platforms | YouTube (1) |
Webmaster tools | Siteimprove |
It's a good measurement of a website's backlink strength.
Data source: DomCop.
Data updated: 17 March 2023.
Data source: Majestic.
Data updated: 1 October 2023.
Data source: Majestic.
Data updated: 1 October 2023.
Data source: Cisco Umbrella.
Data updated: 1 October 2023.
Data source: Yandex.
Data updated: 1 June 2023.
- Subdomains are not measured.
- The rank value is a position in the rating, so the lower value the better.
Data source: Alexa.
Data updated: 24 January 2023.
Discontinued in 2020.
Data source: Quantcast.
Data updated: 1 April 2020.
Data source: Cisco Umbrella.
Data updated: 1 October 2023.
Linking information
Data source: Majestic.
Data updated: 1 October 2023.
Data source: Majestic.
Data updated: 1 October 2023.
Estimated traffic
Daily visitors | 188K |
Monthly visitors | 5.8M |
Daily pageviews | 729.2K |
Monthly pageviews | 22.6M |
Data updated: 29 June 2020.
Data updated: 29 June 2020.
On-page data
<h1> | <h2> | <h3> | <h4> | <h5> | <h6> |
1 7.7% | 1 7.7% | 6 46.2% | 5 38.5% | 0 0% | 0 0% |
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Home
- Homepage Sections
- Industry and occupational employment projections, 2022–32
- For-Profit, Nonprofit, and Government Sector Jobs in 2022
- A look at strikes among writers and actors
- Labor force and macroeconomic projections, 2022–32
- A Look at Productivity Growth of American Workers for Labor Day
- Latest Numbers
Total | 287 |
Internal Links pointing to resources on the same domain. We categorize links to subdomains of the same domain as internal (as Google does). | 264 92% |
External Links pointing to resources on the external domains. Links to subdomains of the same domain are treated as internal ones. | 12 4.2% |
Other Non-http/https links and links without href attribute | 11 3.8% |
Nofollow Links with rel="nofollow" | 0 0% |
Duplicated Links pointing to the same resources (links with the same href attribute) | 42 14.6% |
With image Links containing images (<img> inside <a>) | 39 13.6% |
With TITLE Links with the title attribute | 30 10.5% |
PageRank/Links ratio PageRank divided by outbound links count. A higher value means a higher PageRank spreading with every link. | 0.0226 |
Linked domains
Total | 45 |
Internal Images loaded from resources on the same domain. Images from subdomains of the same domain are treated as internal ones. | 41 91.1% |
External Images loaded from resources on the external domains. Images from subdomains of the same domain are treated as internal ones. | 4 8.9% |
Other Images with empty or non-http/https src attribute | 0 0% |
Without ALT | 0 0% |
Without SRC Images without the src attribute | 0 0% |
With TITLE Images with the title attribute | 11 24.4% |
Duplicated Images loaded from the same resources (images with the same src attribute) | 3 6.7% |
File types
.htm | 101 |
.png | 13 |
.jpg | 9 |
.css | 8 |
.js | 7 |
.gif | 5 |
.svg | 4 |
.rss | 3 |
.asp | 1 |
.json | 1 |
1 |
URI schemes
URI scheme is the first part of the URL (e.g. https), specifying a concrete syntax and protocol associated with it.
The list of the most known URI schemes.
* We also display // found in the protocol-relative URLs.
(none) | 292 |
https | 54 |
javascript | 9 |
tel | 2 |
Meta tags
agency | BLS |
audience | general |
charset | utf-8 |
description | [...] |
fb:page_id | 355233834527093 |
keywords | Employment statistics, US employment statistics, jobless rates, CPI, PPI, labor statistics, labor stats, unemployment data, employment figures, unemployment figures, consumer spending, consumer spending statistics, productivity, compensation, occupational outlook |
og:image | |
og:image | [same as og:image] |
theme-color | |
viewport | initial-scale=0.8; width=device-width |
viewport | width=device-width, initial-scale=1 |
x-ua-compatible | IE=Edge |
Top ranking keywords
Whois lookup for
Domain Name | |
Status | ACTIVE |
Security Contact Email |
Raw domain whois
Domain Name: BLS.GOV
Status: ACTIVE
Security Contact Email:
>>> Last update of whois database: 2023-11-04T19:19:57Z <<<
Please be advised that this whois server only contains information pertaining
to the .GOV domain. For information for other domains please use the whois
server at RS.INTERNIC.NET.
IP addresses
Hostname | IP address | Reverse DNS Hostname | Location |
---|---|---|---| | | N/A | United States | | | | United States |
IP whois lookup
IP address | |
Network range | - |
Network prefix The network prefix in CIDR notation. | |
Network name | AKAMAI |
Organization | Akamai Technologies, Inc. |
Address | 145 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02142, United States |
Registered | 12 July 2013 (10 years and 3 months ago) |
Updated | 9 August 2013 (10 years and 2 months ago) |
Abuse contact | NOC United States, +1-617-444-2535, |
Technical contact | Schecter, Steven Jay, +1-617-274-7134, |
Technical contact | ipadmin, +1-617-444-0017, |
Subdomains (39)
- ...
Server response data
Request URL | (HTTP/1.1, port 80) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Response code | 302 (Found) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
⤹ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Request URL (2) | (HTTP/1.0, port 443, TLSv1.2) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
SSL certificate | issued by Entrust Inc. on 24 February 2023 (8 months and 11 days ago) for United States Department of Labor, Washington, District of Columbia, United States | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Response code | 302 (Found) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
⤹ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Request URL (3) | (HTTP/2, port 443, TLSv1.3) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
SSL certificate | issued by DigiCert Inc. on 3 October 2023 (1 month and 1 day ago) for U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, District of Columbia, United States | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Response code | 200 (OK) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Additional resources
- Analyze keyword density
- Analyze HTML
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- Google Trends
- View SEMrush domain analytics
- History of this page from Wayback Machine
- Copyscape Plagiarism Checker
- W3C's Unified Validator
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- W3C Internationalization Checker
- Facebook Sharing Debugger
- Check for DNS errors
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Data updated: 20 August 2023.
Data updated: 4 November 2023.
Data updated: 4 November 2023.