Webmaster Tools » IP Address Lookup
IP Address Lookup ›
- ⚡ is an external IP address allocated by the American Internet Registry.
- 🗺️ is located in San Francisco, United States.
- 🏠 The IP belongs to Cloudflare, Inc.
- 🔎 There is a bunch of websites hosted on this IP address.
IP address | |
Version The IP address version: IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4, 32-bit address), or IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6, 128-bit address). | IPv4 |
Address space All IP addresses are divided into public and private. Public (or global, external, WAN) IP addresses can be accessed over the internet. Private (or local, internal, LAN) IP addresses are used in the private network and not publicly routed. Also, there are several blocks of reserved IP addresses. | Public |
Reverse DNS hostname The hostname that is resolved with a reverse DNS (rDNS) lookup (PTR entry). | N/A |
Organization | Cloudflare, Inc. |
Websites hosted | 36 |
Type The type of the IP address indicating its purpose of use (hosting, business, education, crawler, Tor exit node, public DNS server, etc.). | CDN (Cloudflare) VPN (WARP) |
Geolocation data, as determined using each of the following geolocation databases: IP2Location LITE, DB-IP Lite and MaxMind GeoLite2.
Geolocation results | IP2Location LITE | DB-IP Lite | MaxMind GeoLite2 |
Continent | North America | ||
Country | United States | Canada | |
Region | California | Ontario | |
City | San Francisco | Toronto | |
Postal code | 94107 | ||
Timezone | -07:00 | ||
Coordinates | 37.7757, -122.3952 | 43.6532, -79.3832 |
IP whois
Whois data for the IP address and its network block.
Network range | - |
Network prefix The network prefix in CIDR notation. | |
Network name | CLOUDFLARENET |
Organization | Cloudflare, Inc. |
Address | 101 Townsend Street, San Francisco, California, 94107, United States |
Registered | 28 March 2014 (9 years and 7 months ago) |
Updated | 26 May 2021 (2 years and 5 months ago) |
Comment | All Cloudflare abuse reporting can be done via https://www.cloudflare.com/abuse |
Abuse contact | Abuse, +1-650-319-8930, |
Technical contact Referral technical contact | Admin, +1-650-319-8930, |
NOC contact NOC stands for Network Operations Center and it is one or more locations from which technicians perform network monitoring or network management tasks. | Cloudflare-NOC, +1-650-319-8930, |
Autonomous system
Information about the autonomous system (AS) in which the IP address resides.
ASN An autonomous system number (ASN) is a unique number used to identify a network on the Internet. More about ASN. | AS13335 BGP Toolkit BGPView AS Rank |
Registered | 14 July 2010 (13 years and 3 months ago) |
Updated | 17 February 2017 (6 years and 8 months ago) |
Comment | All Cloudflare abuse reporting can be done via https://www.cloudflare.com/abuse |
Organization | Cloudflare, Inc., 101 Townsend Street, San Francisco, California, 94107, United States |
Technical contact Referral technical contact | Admin, +1-650-319-8930, |
NOC contact NOC stands for Network Operations Center and it is one or more locations from which technicians perform network monitoring or network management tasks. | Cloudflare-NOC, +1-650-319-8930, |
Abuse contact | Abuse, +1-650-319-8930, |
The IP address routing information announced by AS.
BGP prefix The IP address prefix that the IP address belongs to, which was advertised via Border Gateway protocol (BGP). More about a BGP prefix. | RADB |
Prefix registry | ARIN |
Prefix country | United States |
Allocation date | 28 March 2014 (9 years and 7 months ago) |
Websites on this IP (36)
- rowingaustralia.com.au
- www.starsinsider.com
- caen.starsinsider.com
- media-manager.starsinsider.com
- crestlinewindows.com
- static.starsinsider.com
- abctxgulfcoast.org
- sultra.fajar.co.id
- mshp.ru
- www2.pelisplus.cx
- catemagazine.com
- pelisplus.cx
- tfmt.ph
- livinginpanama.com
- butonpos.fajar.co.id
- radarselatan.fajar.co.id
- itsk-soepraoen.ac.id
- national-conservative.com
- roomdsign.com
- stickerobot.com
- ...
IP formats
IPv4 | |
IPv6 IPv6 in compressed form. For the IPv4 addresses, we display IPv4-mapped IPv6. | ::ffff:681a:0f4f |
Integer | 1746538319 |
More | IP Address Converter » |